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Personalized Hangers

Personalized hangers with wire for the wedding, birthday, gift <3 • Posted by Lora S.

*Personalized hangers ! Great idea for a wedding, birthday, gift <3 Tutorial: 1.First, we need to design a name on a piece of paper. 2.Later we form the name of the wire. 3.In the hanger, drill a small hole. 4.Mark off the length of wire, bend the ends of the wire and pushed into the hole. I wish you successful work :)

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1 h 00


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*Personalized hangers ! Great idea for a wedding, birthday, gift <3 Tutorial: 1.First, we need to design a name on a piece of paper. 2.Later we form the name of the wire. 3.In the hanger, drill a small hole. 4.Mark off the length of wire, bend the ends of the wire and pushed into the hole. I wish you successful work :)
