Cut Out + Keep

Personalising T Shirts

Writting on your t-shirts :) • Posted by Ciara

I put Rawr for first attempt, you could put your name, or anything you like realy! An alternative option to stencil printing.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium priuy i 1219575856 Medium dgjykt 1219575879


I put Rawr for first attempt, you could put your name, or anything you like realy! An alternative option to stencil printing.


  1. Find a computer program to type your stencil up on.

  2. Small 13417

    I used microsoft publisher. Select word art. And then the Word shape you want to use will allready be selected, so just click accept. Type the word you want to use.

  3. Small 13418

    Now work out how big you would want the word to be on your t-shirt, resize it and then print it off on card.

  4. Cut it out then pick the fabric you will want the final design to be on. Use the card letters as a stencill, and draw round them. Then carefully cut this out.

  5. Small 13420

    Sew onto your t-shirt, or use fabric glue. I didn't have a sewing machine at the time, so I hand sewed it. And wallah! Your funky, personalised t-shirt, now wasn't that easy :)