• Posted by Caz
This project idea started out as a present for my nephew's first christmas. The envelope is hand stitched from white felt and especially personalised. I used a scrap of snowman fabric to create a stamp and pretty heart button to secure the contents safely. 11cm tall x 13cm wide
This project idea started out as a present for my nephew's first christmas. The envelope is hand stitched from white felt and especially personalised. I used a scrap of snowman fabric to create a stamp and pretty heart button to secure the contents safely. 11cm tall x 13cm wide
Using the Template cut out the envelope shape from white felt. Using the template as a guide cut the slot for a button hole adjusting as required depending on the size and shape of your button.
Fold felt envelope into shape and pin in place. This will help you see where everything needs to be placed.
With the envelope flap pinned down, mark where the button needs to be placed using your button hole as a guide. Unpin flap section and sew on your button.
Cut a small scrap of fabric for the 'stamp' approx 2.5cm x 2.5cm depending on the design of your fabric. Using a single strand of red embroidery thread sew the 'stamp' to the front of the envelope, positioning it in the top right hand corner.
Using a pencil or disappearing ink fabric pen write your greeting or message on the front of your envelope. I used 'Dear Santa' 'Love Harry' as this is a present for my nephew. I kept the font child like and fun.
Unpin the envelope and using 2 strands of red embroidery thread hand sew over your message.
Repin your envelope together and using 2 strands of red embroidery thread blanket stitch the two sides together and also around the button hole.