Perfect Pedicure

Your feet will shine like the starz!

Posted by Ginger Ginger.



You Will Need (11 things)

  • Nail File
  • Nail Varnish /Polish
  • Bucket Or Foot Spa
  • Nail Clippers
  • Marbles (optional)
  • Foot Or Body Lotion
  • 2 Towel
  • Bubble Bath
  • Essential Oil
  • Bar of Soap
  • Foot Scrubber

Steps (5 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    firstly you wll need to fill your foot spa or bucket with warm to hot water.Then you can add a small squirt of soap or bubble bath to make lots of little bubbles! also you will need to add the marbles for extra comfort.

  2. 2

    You now need to set out a towel under the bucket and a spare towel ready for drying.

  3. 3

    now you can start to soak your feet. when you feel you are satisfied with the soakyness of your feet you can now start to wash and scrub you feet.

  4. 4

    you can now dry your feet and proceed as follows:
    1.-file ,cut , buff and shape your nails with the tools youhave
    2.-apply an optional base coat 2 times on each foot
    3.-apply your chosen color twice on each foot
    3.- apply an optional top coat to your feet and wait to dry.
    4.-when your feet are dry add some foot lotion.

  5. 5

    WALLAH! you now officially are twinkle toes!