Cut Out + Keep

Pearled Hair Hugger

An elegant piece to keep your hair tightly in place! • Posted by ZanyDays

This hair hugger is perfect for a thick head of hair. Inspired by a friend who works in a hospital environment with grabby patients, this hair accessory will keep your hair close to your scalp, safely secured to the side, base, or back of your head. Using it is simple! Just put your hair into a pony tail and twist into a bun. Secure with a band and then engulf the bun with this hair piece.

You will need

Project Budget


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium hairhuggeregyptianeye3copy Medium hairhuggeregyptianeye Medium hairhuggeregyptianeye4copy


This hair hugger is perfect for a thick head of hair. Inspired by a friend who works in a hospital environment with grabby patients, this hair accessory will keep your hair close to your scalp, safely secured to the side, base, or back of your head. Using it is simple! Just put your hair into a pony tail and twist into a bun. Secure with a band and then engulf the bun with this hair piece.


  1. Cut the lengths of elastic that will give you your desired tension. This was for some wicked thick hair, so I made them pretty tight.

  2. Bead the elastic and, with the combs faced upside down on the table and teeth pointed outwards, tie to the combs in any pattern that will create a net over your hair.

  3. Flip the combs teeth sides in and there you have it!