Pearl Necklace With Swarovski Crystals

Looks elegant,yet so simple to make.

Posted by Becky . P .


This necklace has been made the same way as my bead cluster..... just that i carried on adding the beads and swarovski crystals.. made the neckclace 18" long and looks beautiful on, with the odd sparkle from the crystals that are dotted through.
Easy to make.. like i said.. with this kind of bead weaving.. there is now stopping on new and fresh ideas.

Have a play with different sizes and shapes and see wot effect you get..WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOUR DESIGNS.XX Beckz.x


You Will Need (8 things)

  • 50 x oval Glass Pearl Beads baby blue and baby pink
  • 58 x elongated Glass Pearl Beads pale bule and pink
  • 70 x 4mm clear ab Swarovski Crystals
  • 2 x 5mm Jump Rings silver plated
  • 1 x 5mm Lobster Clasp silver plated
  • 2 x Silver Plated Calottes/ Bead Tip Ends 5x8mm
  • Flat Needle Nose Pliers
  • 4 x 6mm clear ab Swarovski Crystals

Steps (3 steps, 90 minutes)

  1. 1

    Work to the same pattern as my bead cluster, with the first three beads.. make the middle bead a Swarovski crystal.. keep following the bead weaving cluster to the length of the necklace you want.. and tie a tight close knot to the bead.. then finnish off either end by adding fishing.

  2. 2

    With the ends of the necklace.. get some fishing line.. cut about 3" off,you will need 4 lenghts of this line...... loop over 1 side of the pearl and tie off tight, do the same with the other side/end of necklace..then thread the 5mm crystals to the fishing line, this will hide the line and give sparkle to the necklace,bring the ends of the line together to make one,and add a calotte to finnish of the end,repeat for other end.

  3. 3

    One finnished necklace... have fun,experiment with different shapes and sizes, and you will be amazed what designs you come up with.x