Cut Out + Keep

Pearl Linked Cameo

My black pearls... • Posted by Manda F.

I've been crazy about cameos lately... I stumbled upon this website that sold antiques from the Victorian era (with lots of neat portaits!), and they presented lots of old cameos and doo-dads. I haven't nearly enough money to buy antiques (and I bet a relative has some old stuff to pass down...), so I made do with an antique-ish cameo from the craft store, some black pearl beads from the dollar store, and to top it off, hematite finished notions. And ta-da: my own Victorian cameo necklace(of course, I have two others)! Can't wait to make another one. :)

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2 h 00


Medium img 0778 1254096846 Medium img 0762 1254097378 Medium img 0763 1254097425


I've been crazy about cameos lately... I stumbled upon this website that sold antiques from the Victorian era (with lots of neat portaits!), and they presented lots of old cameos and doo-dads. I haven't nearly enough money to buy antiques (and I bet a relative has some old stuff to pass down...), so I made do with an antique-ish cameo from the craft store, some black pearl beads from the dollar store, and to top it off, hematite finished notions. And ta-da: my own Victorian cameo necklace(of course, I have two others)! Can't wait to make another one. :)
