Cut Out + Keep

Pear Cross Stitch Pattern

Embroider a Tiny Pear • Posted by C.J. M.

Small cross-stitch pattern that shouldn't take too long to stitch up. I originally posted it on my blog, but I'm not really active there anymore :)

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0 h 45


Pretty Easy
Medium 2019 05 30 175255 pear


Small cross-stitch pattern that shouldn't take too long to stitch up. I originally posted it on my blog, but I'm not really active there anymore :)


  1. Small 2019 05 30 182213 pear

    Either design is 13 stitches wide and 18 stitches high. How many strands of thread you need depends on the type of fabric, the coarser the weave the more strands you'll need. For the black back stitch use fewer strands, for the green back stitch use more.

  2. Small 2019 05 30 182351 pearwhole

    Start on the right side (if right-handed) with the green, half cross-stitches up and half cross-stitches down, working your way to the left. Next the pink/blush colour, the stem and the leaf. Lastly, embroider the back stitch.

  3. Small 2019 05 30 182414 pearhalf

    Start on the right side (if right-handed) with the "pulp" colour. Secondly, the "darker pulp", next the pips and stem in brown. Now embroider the leaf in green, use black to back-stitch the contours of the leaf, stem and core. Finish by back-stitching the pear with multiple strands of the green.