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Peacock Feather Necklace

shake(wear) your tail feathers!!! • Posted by Valencia

I love feathers and teh one thing I love more than feathers is peacock feathers!! So, I got to work creating something that I could wear.

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0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium pic 017 1300920339


I love feathers and teh one thing I love more than feathers is peacock feathers!! So, I got to work creating something that I could wear.


  1. Small pic 015 1300920419

    Gather twine, feathers and beads. You can always use any type of material for the rope of the necklace, chain, leather strap, string, etc...

  2. Small pic 016 1300920514

    Arrange beads according to what order you'd like, then attach feathers.