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Peach Gazda Whiskey Cocktail

Peach Gazda Whiskey Cocktail Recipe • Posted by Emily Ellyn

Cheers to Auntie Peach Gazda, an effervescent spirit who was sweet as a peach. If you were lucky enough to spend some thyme with her, you may have become love-drunk from her presence of pure joy, frivolity, and sometimes mischief… not unlike this cocktail we toast her with!

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Almost Nothing


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Nice & Simple
Medium 2021 03 04 193151 screen%2bshot%2b2021 03 04%2bat%2b2.31.06%2bpm


Cheers to Auntie Peach Gazda, an effervescent spirit who was sweet as a peach. If you were lucky enough to spend some thyme with her, you may have become love-drunk from her presence of pure joy, frivolity, and sometimes mischief… not unlike this cocktail we toast her with!


  1. Fill shaker with ice then add the peach nectar and whiskey over ice. Add honey and thyme and shake vigorously for 1-2 minutes or until shaker is cold to touch. Divide into coupe glasses, add a splash of elderflower soda. Finish by garnishing with a slice of peach and sprig of thyme. Toast the fond memories of a fine friend and adopted Auntie! Retro Rad Tip: Make own peach nectar by peeling a peach and removing pit. Place in blender with 3 tablespoons of water and 2 tablespoons of honey. Blend until smooth. Retro Rad Remix: If you want the flavors to really infuse, allow the peach nectar, whiskey, honey, and thyme to macerate together overnight and then add elderflower soda and shake with ice.