Cut Out + Keep

Patriotic Ribbon Flag

a cute, easy way to celebrate the USA • Posted by Jennifer P.

Whether you are looking for a DIY wedding favor or having a military wedding and need some super cute Americana decor, these ribbon flags are a trifecta – budget friendly, easy to make and adorable! Be sure to consider making one, even if it is just to add to your home’s decor as you show your pride in the USA.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Medium 2018 01 28 005010 19260386 10156238000547538 5474766162809895423 n


Whether you are looking for a DIY wedding favor or having a military wedding and need some super cute Americana decor, these ribbon flags are a trifecta – budget friendly, easy to make and adorable! Be sure to consider making one, even if it is just to add to your home’s decor as you show your pride in the USA.


  1. Small 2018 01 28 005052 19399886 10156237948702538 2858730429066865327 n

    After you gather your supplies, cut 7 strips of red ribbon, 6 strips of white (or cream) ribbon and 5 strips of blue ribbon. The length of these pieces will be determined by the size flag you would like, the size of ribbon and also the length of your stick. You will be doubling the ribbon, so be sure to cut it TWICE as long as you would like your flag strips to be. Cut the red and white stripes to approximately the same length.

  2. Small 2018 01 28 005057 19260487 10156237948152538 5840735343926267387 n

    Cut the blue pieces to be half the length of the red and white ones. For the large flag, my strips were around 30″ long (therefore the blue ones about 15″), and for the small one, my red and white strips were around 18″ long (therefore the blue ones around 9″).

  3. Small 2018 01 28 005119 patriotic diy wedding favor americana ribbon flags as seen on hill city bride virginia wedding blog and magazine 0002

    Start with a red ribbon piece, and use – best I can tell it’s called a cow hitch knot – a simple knot to attach it to the stick. It’s more of a loop that you feed the ends through.

  4. Small 2018 01 28 005125 patriotic diy wedding favor americana ribbon flags as seen on hill city bride virginia wedding blog and magazine 0003 pp w1222 h699

    It is VERY IMPORTANT that all of your knots face the same way (see left photo). Basically you are creating the red, white, red… pattern of the flag by alternating ribbon colors. Once you have completed knot #8 (doing red, white, red, white, red, white, red, white), then add in your first blue piece of ribbon. Then continue with your red and white pattern while inserting a blue ribbon in the opposite direction every other one. The pattern is – red, blue, white, blue, red, blue, white…etc. – until you reach the very end. Again, be sure that your blue ribbons only are knotted in the opposite direction (see right photo).

  5. Small 2018 01 28 005130 patriotic diy wedding favor americana ribbon flags as seen on hill city bride virginia wedding blog and magazine 0004 pp w1222 h815

    Once you have used all of the ribbon pieces, tie your twine using simple knots on either end so that you can utilize the twine as a hanger for the ribbon flag (see left photo below). Then tighten the loops and scrunch them towards each other to make sure that they are close together. At this time separate out your blue knots from the red and white ones. Again, the blue loop knots should be facing the opposite direction). This is so when you hang it, the blue ribbons will be on top of the red and white to create the blue patch on the flag (see right photo).

  6. Small 2018 01 28 005139 patriotic diy wedding favor americana ribbon flags as seen on hill city bride virginia wedding blog and magazine 0005 pp w1222 h815

    The beauty of this project is that if you aren’t happy with the length of the ribbon, you can feel free to trim the ends until you find a size you like. I made two different flags – a smaller one (left) and a little bit of a larger one (right). I think I like the tiny one better. It’s perfect to impress your guests with your DIY wedding favor skills, right?