Cut Out + Keep

Patchwork Cushion

Patchwork cushion made one snowy morning! • Posted by jackie p.

I got snowed in recently and spent a happy morning making this patchwork cushion for a friends birthday. She was delighted with it! It was made with scraps from my stash and the second photo shows the back view. I am not a great needlewoman and it only took me a few hours.

You will need

Project Budget


3 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc02895 1292271695 Medium dsc02896 1292271818


I got snowed in recently and spent a happy morning making this patchwork cushion for a friends birthday. She was delighted with it! It was made with scraps from my stash and the second photo shows the back view. I am not a great needlewoman and it only took me a few hours.
