Cut Out + Keep

Pastel Cat

Sketch and colour a cat with pastels • Posted by Cat Morley

I loved how easy the PanPastels were to blend. You can dab a tiny bit of colour on your brush and create a really soft gradient as you blend it out - perfect for adding touches of colour to your illustrations.

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1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 114561 2f2016 06 21 075527 bobbin Medium 114561 2f2016 06 21 075546 img 5086


I loved how easy the PanPastels were to blend. You can dab a tiny bit of colour on your brush and create a really soft gradient as you blend it out - perfect for adding touches of colour to your illustrations.


  1. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 210114 img 3134

    Get your kitty to pose for a photo. It's easier if you can get them looking straight into the camera and then you can draw them all symmetrical.

  2. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 210033 img 3135

    Start by drawing a circle, roughly in the shape of your cats head, right in the middle of the paper.

  3. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 210213 img 3136

    Draw a line down the middle of the head and then sketch lines vertically where the eyes nose and mouth will be.

  4. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 210300 img 3137

    Mark where the middle of the eyes will be at either side of the face and then draw another circle roughly in the shape of your cat's muzzle.

  5. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 210409 img 3138

    Now sketch the ears in place. Notice the way the inner of the ears is almost is a perfect line with the middle of the eyes?

  6. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 210449 img 3139

    Now roughly sketch in the body.

  7. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 210504 img 3140

    Draw a rough heart shape in the place of the cat's nose.

  8. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 210530 img 3141

    Trace in the mouth below.

  9. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 210544 img 3145

    Now sketch the shape of your cats eye - taking note of the shape, are they more oval or round?

  10. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 210609 img 3146

    Draw in the cats pupils. Depending upon the light, they might be round, almond or tiny slits.

  11. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 210738 img 3148

    From the inner corner of the cat's eyes, trace in the shape of the cat's nose and begin defining the shape of the muzzle.

  12. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 210754 img 3149

    Once you've got the major feature of the face positioned correctly, you can begin sketching in the fur. Use the width of the eye to calculate how wide to go with the fur.

  13. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 210850 img 3150

    Lightly sketch in the body fluff.

  14. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 210909 img 3151

    Using a slightly darker pencil, go over the features again, refining and refining until you're happy.

  15. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 211002 img 3152

    Remember to keep the main feature relatively symmetrical.

  16. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 211034 img 3153

    Then begin lightly sketching in the designs and directions of the fur. Sketching any markings to guide you.

  17. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 211125 img 3154

    When you're feeling brave, begin adding touches of colour to your drawing using the pan pastels and a sponge brush. Start very lightly at first - at the brightest points in the fur and then lightly brush out the way blending into the white of the paper.

  18. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 211234 img 3155

    Continue working your way around the face, adding the most distinctive markings first.

  19. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 211303 img 3158

    Continue further down the body, brushing the pastels in the direction of the fur. Making longer sweeps for longer fur and shorter ones for short haired cats.

  20. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 211350 img 3159

    When you've finished all the markings in one colour, begin blending in the other colours - one at a time.

  21. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 211458 img 3161

    Use the darker colours to fill in negative spaces, bringing out the white of the paper.

  22. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 211518 img 3167

    Continue adding more and more details

  23. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 211555 img 3176

    Only add a new colour if you really need it. Less is more!

  24. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 211631 img 3177

    When you're happy with the colours, go over the drawing with a thin black ink pen to bring out the details and dark areas.

  25. Small 114561 2f2016 06 19 211732 img 3180

    Lightly sketch over the darker areas of fur, sweeping in the same direction and add the whiskers.