Cute papou fruit plushies for Christmas!
I made my best friend a Papou fruit from Kingdom Hearts because he plays it. ^____^ I hope he likes it. I'm keeping the messed up one...since i practically sewed off it's arm >___>
Xandrianne K. added Papou Fruit (Kh) to Kawaii 21 Aug 16:23
JenJen posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Burt L.
Baltimore, Maryland, US
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I think I'll make some for my cousins. All four of them!

Miss Circus
San Leandro, California, US
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Kingdom hearts<333

Maariyah M.
Teaneck, New Jersey, US
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i like it but since i don't have kingdom hearts or have ever played it i dont know what it is...

Conyers, Georgia, US
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Cedar City, Utah, US
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michelle G.
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, CA
1258 projects
too cute

Portage, Michigan, US
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you. are. awesome. (: