The necklace in the middle says 'you just lost the game' ;D because I'm hilarious like that. It isn't paper but it's in this picture anyway for no real reason.
The paper beads are made from magazines and envelopes. Let me know if you need a how-to but I think people have already done that on here :)
Britta J. entered their project Paper Bead Necklaces to Fiskars Craft Contest 17 Jun 10:05
Britta J. entered their project Paper Bead Necklaces to Glue Contest 24 Apr 10:34
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Britta J. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Britta J.
Derby, England, GB
67 projects
You managed to read it on that picture?? You are to be congratulated!

mew Aeris
Orlando, Florida, US
5 projects
Oh no... I lost the game... Creative way to make people lose! :3