• Posted by Vanessa Valencia
This is the 4 wire contraption I made, and then stuck flowers all over the wires...
I start with 1 full piece of scrapbook paper that I cut into 4 smaller pieces This is the size I like to work with, but you can make them bigger per your preference. (I also like to use wrapping paper) I then take one of the 4 little pieces an fold it into a triangle, cutting off any excess...
I take my triangle and fold it in half, making another triangle...
The next step is to fold the right side in towards the center...
And the left side folds away towards the center as well, giving you a "V" shape...
You then cut off the upper points, like so...
You have what is a bit of a cone shape now, to play with...
Experiment cutting into the top and the sides all you want. I think that is the funnest part, the experimentation factor...
Then open it it up to find... Ahhh yes, a sea urchin flower ;)
Or a snowflakey flower...
Trial and error is the name of this paper flower game...
If you don't already make these, I hope you enjoy doing so. I can get lost in paper cutting. It is so relaxing and addicting. (My photos are a bit funny because it is so cloudy out)
Last winter, Holiday 2008, I had a blast making these, and I still have not taken them down...
So, try your own magpie creation, I'd love to see what you come up with. A super fun project for any time of the year...