• Posted by Awoken Cello
I was bored and had a TON of paper fasteners so I made this thing. You could use any color you could find, I only had brass so thats what I used.
I was bored and had a TON of paper fasteners so I made this thing. You could use any color you could find, I only had brass so thats what I used.
Take the paper fastener and bend it like the pic shows (bend it so it touches the back of the round part on one side and leave the other just open a little so you can fit others in.) **sorry this is a horrible pic**
Bend more of the paper fasteners like that and slip the side that is fully closed into the one that is a little open. Close the side that is a little open.
Keeps doing this till it is at the length you like. I used 20 and it was perfect for me but you can use less or more of them. For the hook you just close the last one just enough so you can put the closed one in it but not enough that it will come off when wearing it.
If you want you can draw something on the one with the hook so you can tell how to get the thing off! You can also put charms and stuff on it but I just left it how it was.
Anyways now your done so...Yay! **if you need help with it. Ask away! Cause I know this How-to isn't that great.**