Shopping Is Now Pants!(easy) Shopping just became pants!
I bought a pair of jeans (my size it said on the label) from my local charity shop for 50p what a bargain!
Right size but I couldn't get them up over my fat thighs (no there not that fat,but here in the UK the sizes vary, you can get a large 14or a small 1! If you know what I mean! Generous in different areas! But in my case not my thighs!)
Because they were so cheep and in a sale there was no returns.....so what 2 do with them!
I didn't need 2 make any cushion covers and they were way 2 hard to use in my rag knitting craze:(
So I made a bag for shopping! I am not to keen on food shopping so but a bag is always useful!
SO I MADE SHOPPING PANTS!(in other words easy thats what pants can mean!)
SuperCool and Really Trendy entered their project Pants Bag to Cath Kidston's Sew! Contest 25 Oct 11:46
You Will Need
SuperCool and Really Trendy posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
Glad you like them anyway!
but aleast you were able to get some use outta them