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Panda Scarf

A scarf for a Panda loving person ... :) • Posted by Plushbox

The Connichi, the biggest convention in Germany is coming and it will be for me the chance showing and selling my plushie stuff. So here is the Panda scarf which will be for sale on the Connichi on Saturday. It has got hand painted paws and looks very cute :3. After the Convention I will be open for commissions and sales.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 00


Medium panda scarf by plushbox by plushbox d2y200z


The Connichi, the biggest convention in Germany is coming and it will be for me the chance showing and selling my plushie stuff. So here is the Panda scarf which will be for sale on the Connichi on Saturday. It has got hand painted paws and looks very cute :3. After the Convention I will be open for commissions and sales.
