Cut Out + Keep

Panda Hat

warm and cute! the compliments are constant. • Posted by Jello

So for Halloween I decided to go as a panda! Easy, I said! I have everything for it, I said. I lied to myself. Apparently I do not own a shred of white clothing. Except for a jacket. But I can’t wear a white jacket. Panda wear black shrugs! Not white jackets... Of course I didn't realize this until Halloween morning. I'm so bad at planning I swear. :/ So emergency back-up: last year's costume. Lame. Oh well. But of course I had already finished knitting my super awesome panda hat! So this is my gift to you, netizens!

You will need

Project Budget


12 h 00


Medium panda hat1 Medium panda hat2


So for Halloween I decided to go as a panda! Easy, I said! I have everything for it, I said. I lied to myself. Apparently I do not own a shred of white clothing. Except for a jacket. But I can’t wear a white jacket. Panda wear black shrugs! Not white jackets... Of course I didn't realize this until Halloween morning. I'm so bad at planning I swear. :/ So emergency back-up: last year's costume. Lame. Oh well. But of course I had already finished knitting my super awesome panda hat! So this is my gift to you, netizens!


  1. Open the attached PDF file! Up there! ^^^^^ The whole pattern is in there :) Go crazy.