Cut Out + Keep

Panda Applique

Cute panda applique which can be used on almost anything! • Posted by Mon Mon

Living in Adelaide in South Australia, we had the arrival of two gorgeous pandas to our zoo, Wang Wang and Funi. I've absolutely fallen in love with them and any panda related objects or crafts! This little guy was made to put on a friends t-shirt as a bit of a joke :) Extremely easy to make with basic applique techniques, different fabrics can be used for the contrasting body parts and bamboo. Simple blanket stitching makes him look really "crafty". I printed the words "nom nom nom" on fabric transfer paper on my home computer! I hope you love him like I do :)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium p8251276 copy 1284275069 Medium p8251277 copy 1284275118


Living in Adelaide in South Australia, we had the arrival of two gorgeous pandas to our zoo, Wang Wang and Funi. I've absolutely fallen in love with them and any panda related objects or crafts! This little guy was made to put on a friends t-shirt as a bit of a joke :) Extremely easy to make with basic applique techniques, different fabrics can be used for the contrasting body parts and bamboo. Simple blanket stitching makes him look really "crafty". I printed the words "nom nom nom" on fabric transfer paper on my home computer! I hope you love him like I do :)
