Cut Out + Keep


Cute Critter Crochet • Posted by Creative Publishing international

Measurements Finished size is 43/8 ins (11 cm) long x 7 ins (18 cm) tall Stitches Used Crochet: chain stitch (ch), single crochet (sc), single crochet increase (sc inc), single crochet decrease (sc2tog), slip stitch (sl st). Piecing: whipstitch. Pattern Notes 1. All measurements are approximate, and will vary depending on tension and yarn choice. 2. To change color, work last stitch of old color to last yarn over. Yarn over with new color and draw through all loops on hook. Proceed with new color. Carry color not in use across wrong side of piece until next needed. Refer to charts for color changes. 3. Panda is made from 12 pieces: 2 Side Body pieces, 1 Underbody, 2 Hind Legs, 2 Front Legs, 2 Ears, 1 Back of Head, 1 Muzzle, and 1 Tail. The Hind Legs are worked directly onto the side edges of the Underbody, to help reduce the amount of seaming needed to finish the Panda. All remaining pieces are sewn together.

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2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 106723 2f2015 01 10 161215 panda%2b1 Medium 106723 2f2015 01 10 161219 panda%2b2


Measurements Finished size is 43/8 ins (11 cm) long x 7 ins (18 cm) tall Stitches Used Crochet: chain stitch (ch), single crochet (sc), single crochet increase (sc inc), single crochet decrease (sc2tog), slip stitch (sl st). Piecing: whipstitch. Pattern Notes 1. All measurements are approximate, and will vary depending on tension and yarn choice. 2. To change color, work last stitch of old color to last yarn over. Yarn over with new color and draw through all loops on hook. Proceed with new color. Carry color not in use across wrong side of piece until next needed. Refer to charts for color changes. 3. Panda is made from 12 pieces: 2 Side Body pieces, 1 Underbody, 2 Hind Legs, 2 Front Legs, 2 Ears, 1 Back of Head, 1 Muzzle, and 1 Tail. The Hind Legs are worked directly onto the side edges of the Underbody, to help reduce the amount of seaming needed to finish the Panda. All remaining pieces are sewn together.


  1. Small 106723 2f2015 01 10 160047 screen%2bshot%2b2015 01 10%2bat%2b16.00.38

    Side Body (make 2) With larger hook and white, ch 10; with black, ch 6 more—16 ch.

  2. Hind Leg Row 1: With black, sc in 2nd ch from hook and next 4 ch; with white, sc in last 10 ch—15 sc. Row 2: With white, ch 1, turn, sc in first 10 sts; with black, sc in last 5 sts. Row 3: With black, ch 1, turn, sc in first 5 sts; with white, sc in next 9 sts, sc inc in last st—16 sc. Row 4: With white, ch 1, turn, sc in first 11 sts; with black, sc in last 5 sts. Do not fasten off.

  3. Body Row 5: With black, ch 1, turn, sc in first 5 sts; with white, sc in next 10 sts, sc inc in last st—17 sc. Fasten off black. Continue with white only until next instructed to change to black. Row 6: Ch 1, turn, sc in first 13 sts; leave remaining sts unworked—13 sc. Row 7: Ch 1, turn, sc2tog, sc in each st across—12 sc. Rows 8 and 9: Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. Row 10: Ch 1, turn, sc2tog, sc in each st across—11 sc. Row 11: Ch 1, turn, sc2tog, sc in each st across—10 sc. Rows 12 and 13: Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across; change to black at end of row. Row 14: With black, ch 1, turn, sc2tog, sc in each st across—9 sc. Row 15: With black, ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. Row 16: With black, ch 1, turn, sc2tog, sc in each st across; change to white at end of row—8 sc. Fasten off black. Continue with white only until next instructed to change to black.

  4. Head Row 1: Ch 1, turn, sc inc in first st, sc in next 6 sts, sc inc in last st—10 sc. Row 2: Ch 1, turn, sc first 9 sts, sc inc in last st—11 sc. Row 3: Ch 1, turn, [sc inc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts] twice, sc in last st—15 sc. Rows 4 and 5: Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. Row 6: Ch 1, turn, sc in first 8 sts; with black, sc in next 3 sts; with white, sc in last 4 sts. Row 7: With white, ch 1, turn, sc in first 4 sts; with black, sc in next 3 sts; with white, sc in next st, [sc2tog] twice, sc in last 3 sts—13 sc. Row 8: With white, ch 1, turn, sc in first 6 sts; with black, sc in next 2 sts, sc2tog; leave remaining sts unworked—9 sc. Row 9: With black, ch 1, turn, sc in first 2 sts; with white, sc in next 7 sts. Fasten off black. Continue with white only. Row 10: Ch 1, turn, sc2tog, sc in next 5 sts, sc2tog—7 sc. Row 11: Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. Fasten off.

  5. Small 106723 2f2015 01 10 160011 screen%2bshot%2b2015 01 10%2bat%2b15.59.59

    Back of Head With larger hook and white, ch 2. Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook—1 sc. Row 2: Ch 1, turn, sc inc in st—2 sc. Row 3: Ch 1, turn, sc inc in first st, sc in last st—3 sc. Row 4: Ch 1, turn, sc inc in first st, sc in next 2 sts—4 sc. Row 5: Ch 1, turn, sc inc in first st, sc in next 3 sts—5 sc. Row 6: Ch 1, turn, sc inc in first st, sc in next 4 sts—6 sc. Row 7: Ch 1, turn, sc inc in first st, sc in next 5 sts—7 sc. Rows 8–15: Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. Row 16: Ch 1, turn, sc in first 2 sts, sc2tog, sc in last 3 sts—6 sc. Row 17: Ch 1, turn, sc2tog, sc in next 2 sts, sc2tog—4 sc. Row 18: Ch 1, turn, [sc2tog] twice—2 sc. Rows 19–22: Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. Row 23: Ch 1, turn, sc2tog—1 sc. Row 24: Ch 1, turn, sc in st. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.

  6. Small 106723 2f2015 01 10 160129 screen%2bshot%2b2015 01 10%2bat%2b16.01.21

    Underbody With larger hook and white, ch 2. Row 1: Sc in in 2nd ch from hook—2 sc. Row 2: Ch 1, turn, sc inc in first st, sc in last st—3 sc. Row 3: Ch 1, turn, sc in first st, sc inc in next st, sc in last st—4 sc. Row 4: Ch 1, turn, sc in first st, sc inc in next st, sc in last 2 sts—5 sc. Rows 5–20: Ch 1, sc in each st across. Row 21: Ch 1, turn, sc in first 2 sts, sc2tog, sc in last st—4 sc. Row 22: Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. Row 23: Ch 1, turn, sc in first st, sc2tog, sc in last st; change to black at end of row—3 sc. Fasten off white. Continue with black only. Row 24: Ch 1, turn, sc in first st, sc2tog—2 sc. Row 25: Ch 1, turn, sc2tog—1 sc. Row 26: Ch 1, turn, sc in st. Fasten off.

  7. First Hind Leg Note: First Hind Leg is worked across right side edge of Underbody. See Underbody chart for placement. With right side facing, larger hook, and black, draw up a loop of yarn in end of Row 12 of Underbody. Row 1 (right side): Ch 1, sc in edge of Row 12, sc in edge of Row 13, sc in edge of Row 14, sc in edge of Row 15—4 sc. Rows 2–5: Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. Fasten off.

  8. Second Hind Leg Note: Second Hind Leg is worked across left side edge of Underbody. See Underbody chart for placement. With wrong side facing, larger hook, and black, draw up a loop of yarn in beginning of Row 12 of Underbody. Row 1 (wrong side): Ch 1, sc in edge of Row 12, sc in edge of Row 13, sc in edge of Row 14, sc in edge of Row 15—4 sc. Rows 2–5: Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. Fasten off.

  9. Small 106723 2f2015 01 10 160219 screen%2bshot%2b2015 01 10%2bat%2b16.02.07

    Ears (make 2) With black, using the crochet-in-the-round method, make center ring. Row 1: Ch 1, work 6 sc in ring; do not join to work in rounds, work back and forth in rows—6 sc. Row 2: Ch 1, turn, sc in first st, sc inc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, sc inc in next st, sc in last st—8 sc. Row 3: Ch 1, turn, sc in first st, [sc inc in next st, sc in next st] 3 times, sc in last st—11 sc. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for shaping Ear and sewing to Head.

  10. Small 106723 2f2015 01 10 160403 screen%2bshot%2b2015 01 10%2bat%2b16.03.53

    Front Legs (make 2) With black, using crochet-in-the-round method, make center ring. Round 1: Ch 1, work 6 sc in ring; do not join with sl st ←15 →10 in beg ch-1, work in continuous rounds (spiral)—6 sc. Place a marker in last st made to indicate end of round. Move marker up as each round is completed. Round 2: Sc in next st (the first st of Round 1), sc inc in →10 ←5 next st, [sc in next st, sc inc in next st] twice—9 sc. Rounds 3–7: Sc in each st around. Round 8: [Sc in next st, sc2tog] 3 times—6 sc. Rounds 9 and 10: Sc in each st around. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing Front Leg to Body.

  11. Small 106723 2f2015 01 10 160836 screen%2bshot%2b2015 01 10%2bat%2b16.08.21

    Muzzle With smaller hook and black, ch 2. Row 1: Sc inc in 2nd ch from hook—2 sc Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing Muzzle to face and embroidering face details.

  12. Small 106723 2f2015 01 10 160906 screen%2bshot%2b2015 01 10%2bat%2b16.09.00

    Tail With larger hook and white, using crochet-in-the- round method, make center ring. Round 1: Ch 1, work 6 sc in ring; join with sl st in beg ch-1—6 sc. Fasten off, leaving a long tail to shape Tail and sew to Body.

  13. Small 106723 2f2015 01 10 161208 screen%2bshot%2b2015 01 10%2bat%2b16.12.00

    Sewing the Pieces Together Attach buttons (with sewing thread and needle) or safety eyes to Side Body pieces as shown on chart. Match points A, B, C, and D (also labeled with a star) shown on charts of Side Body, Underbody, and Back of Head pieces and whipstitch pieces together with matching yarn, stuffing before completing the sewing. Stuff Front Legs, use long tail to close opening and sew to Side of Body. Use yarn tail to gather lower edge of Ears as shown in diagram on previous page and whipstitch Ears to top of head. Use yarn tail to gather edges of Tail and sew to back of Body. Whipstitch Muzzle to tip of nose. With a tail from Muzzle (or another short length of black yarn) and using photograph as a guide, embroider a straight stitch mouth beneath the Muzzle. Weave in ends.