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Pallet Planter

planter, pallet, wood, woodworking, • Posted by Mademoiselle Jo

When I've seen these pallets alone in the DIY store, I decided to create something with them. I often see beautiful projects using pallets on pinterest... so I took the pallets and start to create a planter for my garden.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


72 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 110212 2f2015 08 02 100325 wp 20150802 002


When I've seen these pallets alone in the DIY store, I decided to create something with them. I often see beautiful projects using pallets on pinterest... so I took the pallets and start to create a planter for my garden.


  1. You will need two or three pallets ( it depend on if you want a bottom at your planter) . I found mine in a DIY store, the seller allowed me to take them for free. First step : you have to dismantle the pallets, it's a bit tricky to separate the planks. You have to saw the nails of the pallets... To do it, you can help yourself of a flat screw which you put between the planks with a hammer, this way you can separate the planks enought to insert your saw. You must have 15 planks, and 4 other planks (a bit wider)that you will use to build the leg of the planter I'm sorry, I have no photo for this step...

  2. Small 110212 2f2015 08 02 103506 wp 20150729 001

    Step two : Your planks are ready. Almost. To avoid the wood to decay, you can paint the planks with woodstain. For this planter I used 5 planks for the long side, and 5 half-planks for the wide side. Prepare your drill, we use it at the next step ;)

  3. Small 110212 2f2015 08 02 104625 wp 20150729 002

    Take one of the planks to build the panel of the planter, one of the planks to build the leg, your drill and a drill bit , smaller than the diameter of your screws. Mine is 3mm and the screws are 5mm diameter.

  4. Small 110212 2f2015 08 02 105041 wp 20150729 003

    Put the plank on the leg, and make two holes in the wood.

  5. Small 110212 2f2015 08 02 105124 wp 20150729 005

    Take off the drill bit and take the screw driver.

  6. Small 110212 2f2015 08 02 105256 wp 20150729 004

    Put your screws in the holes, and screw them. Do the same at the other end of the planks, and do it for all the 5 planks of the side of your planter.

  7. Small 110212 2f2015 08 02 105523 wp 20150729 006

    ... A little picture of the work in progress... Next step, we build the wide side of the planter.

  8. Small 110212 2f2015 08 02 105652 wp 20150726 002

    Step 3 the side ! There is many way to do it, but it's exactly the same method as the one you used for the first panel

  9. Small 110212 2f2015 08 02 105835 wp 20150729 008

    Build the two other panels...

  10. Small 110212 2f2015 08 02 105930 wp 20150729 010

    And here is the result. Now ! we're going to build the bottom of the planter. If we don't, the dirt will fall every where...

  11. Small 110212 2f2015 08 02 110147 wp 20150801 001

    Take a plank, saw it so it can be insert between the two legs of the planter. Screw this plank to the lower plank of the side panel. I used 3 screw for this, one in the middle and one at each side. Do the same at the opposite.

  12. Small 110212 2f2015 08 02 110554 wp 20150801 002

    To build the bottom, saw 4 plank at the same length, and screw them to the support planks

  13. Small 110212 2f2015 08 02 110801 wp 20150802 001

    You have to put a covering in the planter, i used a mulching film in which i made some tiny holes, so the water could pass through. I've fixed the film with tacks ^^

  14. Small 110212 2f2015 08 02 111116 wp 20150802 002

    Your planter is now finished, you can fill it with dirt and plant everything you want .