Painted Mermaid Figurine

Everyone needs a Siren

Posted by Gertie


The mermaid was sculpted from salt dough and dried in the oven. Once dry and cool, she was painted.


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Water
  • Vegetable Oil
  • 1 cup Flour
  • 1 cup Salt
  • Acrylic Paint

Steps (5 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Mix 1/2 c. salt, 1 c. flour, a touch of vegetable oil, and just enough water to make a dough. (The vegetable oil is optional and I use it to help make the dough smooth and workable.) Knead well.

  2. 2

    Form into desired shape (a mermaid in this case). Place on a sheet pain. (I prefer to line with aluminum foil.)

  3. 3

    Dry out in a 200 degree oven, SLOWLY. This took a couple hours. When I knew the top was dried through and no longer a concern to smash my work, i flipped her over to help dry out the back.

  4. 4

    Paint. (The salt dough absorbed the paint and liquid quickly, so be careful of the drying pain "pulling" when added more paint to layers not completely dry.)

  5. 5

    Let dry completely.