Cut Out + Keep

Painted Geometric Earrings

Funky pastel earrings! • Posted by Sandy R.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium imgp2149



  1. Trace a geometric design with pencil on a thin sheet of balsa wood.

  2. Gently cut it out with an X acto knife and then repeat for the other earring. You can trace the same shape or do another design for the other earring.

  3. Paint your earring pieces with acrylic paints and then outline the colours with a thin felt tip pen.

  4. Puncture a hole in the top of your earring pieces with a needle (the wood is soft and it should be fairly easy). Attach jump rings and earring wires.

  5. You can choose to varnish or seal the wood or leave it as it is. Now wear them with pride! :D