Cut Out + Keep

Paint Splatt3rd Leg Warmers

Super cute! • Posted by oReO~cOoKieE

Leg warmers, splattered,splatter

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium side 1248066725 Medium front 1248066733 Medium back 1248066749 Medium off 1248066760


Leg warmers, splattered,splatter


  1. Small 4545 1248067300

    First, Take your sweater and fold it so its perfectly alligned.. then measure the length you want you warmers and cut at the desired length.. But cut with like an ince seam allowance if your using elastic..

  2. Then, Take your fabric paint and... GO CRAZZY! And splatter your paint PuT Newspapre down first

  3. Then Leave to dry overnight on a clip hanger.. then repeat the other side splatter away!

  4. Small side 1248067962

    Then VIOLA! There are your groovy leg warmers that require no sewing!