Pacman Pencilcase ^^ Wakawaka#

wakawakawakawakawaka# O.O

Posted by Nomycookie^^


This was made for Hajer :D xoxo


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Pencil Case
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Paint Brush

Steps (8 steps, 90 minutes)

  1. 1

    lately ive been asked to paint my friends pencil cases, this friend didnt know what she wanted painted on it, then pacman came to mind O.O so i thought "hey, why not" :)
    anyways.... firstly get your pencil case and start painting the base black.

  2. 2

    Once youve painted the whole pencil case black, mix your blue and white acrylic paint together, cuz dark blue doesnt rreally show up on black -_-'...

  3. 3

    When mixed, start painting the maze like pattern thingy...?

  4. 4

    After youve painted the maze thingy, start dotting your white spoty thingy majigs?... you know what i mean :P

    oh yh and dont fill up your whole pencil case, cuz pacman has already eaten most of them :P

  5. 5

    .... and paint your pacman ghosts
    -pink ect...

    And put the black dots in the eyes....... xx

  6. 6

  7. 7

    Paint in the mouth!!.......

  8. 8

    And your DONEE!!! :) xoxo