Cut Out + Keep

P P P Poker Chip Ring!

this is one chippy statement ring! • Posted by jennascloset(:

this is super easy to make,but for the glue u need a strong type of glue to hold up. i used crazy clue but super glue and othr craft glues work to!

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Pretty Easy
Medium photo on 2012 01 15 at 13.42  2 Medium photo on 2012 01 15 at 13.41 Medium photo on 2012 01 15 at 13.41  2 Medium photo on 2012 01 15 at 13.42


this is super easy to make,but for the glue u need a strong type of glue to hold up. i used crazy clue but super glue and othr craft glues work to!


  1. Small photo on 2012 01 15 at 13.49

    For supplies, gather up a ring base(mine is from jo-ann fabrics) , crazy/super glue,a poker chip, and sharpies or some other strong maker(i do not reccommend washable!).

  2. Small photo on 2012 01 15 at 13.51

    First, take your sharpies and poker chip and draw what you want to be on your ring.

  3. Small photo on 2012 01 15 at 13.54

    Once you have what you want, get out your ring base and glue.

  4. Small photo on 2012 01 15 at 13.59

    next, glue the back of the poker chip to fit the ring base(if it helps outline the shape of the ringe base(part that u attach the chip to) so that you glue right where the base is).

  5. Small photo on 2012 01 15 at 14.03

    After that, hold the ring on the glue down for about 30 seconds so that you know it has a better chance of staying together.A good idea is to leave the ring face down for a while after you make it just so you know that the glue is dry.

  6. Small photo on 2012 01 15 at 14.06  2

    Then, alittle while after.....VAWLA! you have a poker chip ring!