Cut Out + Keep

Owl Nook Cover!

His name is Oscar! • Posted by Ariel B.

(Yes, that is an Instagram!) Oscar is made entirely out of recycled felt. I hand-stitched him. He is comprised of many scalloped layers of red atop a red felt case. The back side of the case simply flaps open and flaps shut to allow the Nook in and out. He was a fun little project! =)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium oscar the owl


(Yes, that is an Instagram!) Oscar is made entirely out of recycled felt. I hand-stitched him. He is comprised of many scalloped layers of red atop a red felt case. The back side of the case simply flaps open and flaps shut to allow the Nook in and out. He was a fun little project! =)
