• Posted by Jet H.
I saw on Martha Steward that you can make other animals as well but they didn't tell there how-S. I don't kike that at all. I always started to think of a how to by my self. so i thought mayby you will like to see the how to of them too. In the last tute of the paste figure i did the same like Martha Steward i had show you some figures of mine too without telling the tute of them.So i make i hope that this will make all things okay by you all;-D My cat figures are based on a child picture book ,Max and the Maximonsters. The faces on their heads are from old magazines but you can use a poem picture they are sweet too, My mean idea about this project was i must make a tute on what all crafting girls has around them of materials all ready, withotut selling expensive materials first. its all maked of scraps around my house, but again a dureable project.LOL I have passed over some step with pictures , because i have put them on He is only posing. so ... you can jump to that project when you don't understand it at here, this is more the explanation of the steps later for this figure. You can finished the figure after the paste like you want ,you can give them cloths of paper of tiny thin fabrics and use feathers , sequins and beads. Give them hats on or a doll .Be creative, but for all have fun!!!;-D
I saw on Martha Steward that you can make other animals as well but they didn't tell there how-S. I don't kike that at all. I always started to think of a how to by my self. so i thought mayby you will like to see the how to of them too. In the last tute of the paste figure i did the same like Martha Steward i had show you some figures of mine too without telling the tute of them.So i make i hope that this will make all things okay by you all;-D My cat figures are based on a child picture book ,Max and the Maximonsters. The faces on their heads are from old magazines but you can use a poem picture they are sweet too, My mean idea about this project was i must make a tute on what all crafting girls has around them of materials all ready, withotut selling expensive materials first. its all maked of scraps around my house, but again a dureable project.LOL I have passed over some step with pictures , because i have put them on He is only posing. so ... you can jump to that project when you don't understand it at here, this is more the explanation of the steps later for this figure. You can finished the figure after the paste like you want ,you can give them cloths of paper of tiny thin fabrics and use feathers , sequins and beads. Give them hats on or a doll .Be creative, but for all have fun!!!;-D
step 1 follow the numbers on the drawing i have made to fold the iron to make the cat figure. Because you add a face picture later on the head, you must make a larger head then the rabbit. take notice of the smaller ears then my first rabbit. no.1. pick up your thin wire and a plier and fold the arm like this , and twist the wire so it will become stong and flat. . no 2. fold 90 degrees the wire to make the head. this head must you make bigger then normal. because you will add the tiny faces of paper on it. and the first edge a small loop this will be the first ear. no 3 make a loop for the seccond ear about 1 cm make the twist in the loop just one! and fold the wire again 90 degrees to go downside the head , make a 90 degrees fold and make a loop for the seccond arm. and twist this flat. no 4, twist the head with the wire around so the figure becomes a neck. no 5. go downstairs with the wire and make the loop for the first leg. and twist the leg flat. When you like a cat with long legs with paws or feets you must make the legs longer about 200 mm or 2 cm. make a 90 degree fold for the bottom of your figure. no 6 make the other leg and go back to the bottem you've made and make a twist on the bottom and make a large loop for the tail, twist this flat. rounds on the bottom and the head. and end in the neck. and cut of the wire.
but you can make other figures as well. see drawing two. the black line = iron wire. the red line = the yarn. 1. = a crocodile 1a. the eyes, must you make like a small loop that you will later wrap with rounds of yarn not till the end, so you can fold the end on the yarn like a stop. 1b. the mouth , make the end small like the eyes so you can make a stop too of them. do this with both beaks. 2 . how you can make the bear . A bear has a large body a big snout and small ears. 3 . cat or dog , when you make a cat without a picture you must make the snout tiny like the rabbit an dwhen you make dog make it bigger. you can fold after the wrapping with yarn in the position a normal cat dog or whatever standing in. so you can use now your own creativity to make a lion an elephant and a horse or donkey. or llama or snake or snowman. its soooo easy when you know how it works, good luck and please give it a try and show it to me!
you must wrap the whole figure with the yarn, so he isall covered with the yarn. You can make some parts thicker to round more yarn around the body of the figure,
cover very thickly the whole yarn body with wooden glue . Let this dry. Add an other layer of wooden glue on the body and let this dry.
fold the body in the position you like . and make the recipe of the flour paste. I will give you this again: 30ml of flour 20 ml of water and 30 ml of wooden glue. put them together in the bowl and stirr it till there is a smood paste. You can use this at once but you can use it too after a day its then must thicker . Pay attention: its not long dureable ,its very quicly with out a fridge spoiled. without fridge 3 days, and kept in a fridge you can use it about a week.
add thin layers on the body with a hair dryer you can fasten the drying time , Don't do this on the highest stand , low!!!! To high and hot , the paste drys very wrong. it will give you blisters and bubbles. let it dry.
now the fun part. cover the whole figure first with a white paint when you will use light colours. let it dry. then with a other colour or a little darker colour make the first accents.
Add lines with fine liner permanent marker on the figures . Don't do to much , the yellow figure was too much with covered with all those dots on his cloths.
look for small pictures for their faces in a old magazine.
cut the faces you like to use out of the picture and make them even prettyer with markers like the picture show you.
glue the faces on the head of the figures . and give them a layer varnish with mod podge or real varnish. or the white glue. let it dry.
add some glitter lines accents on the figure. see the picture.
take the chenille wire and wrap it around the face and glue this on the body. do the same with the back of the head and i've you like on the tail too.
i didn't had the right colour for the small yellow figure so i crochet a tiny hat and some chains. and glued that around the face and the back of the head and some chain on the tail. You're finished. Hope you like it, and have fun with this variation on he's only posing of m ine. just be creative and do what you like. You can use too paper or feathers or lace or other things for making cloths. But pay attention the figures are soooo tiny that its very easily toooo much.