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Origami Thread Book

Based on Origami Thread Book by Kin Dragon • Posted by Kin Dragon

I made another thread book because I realized how handy they are when it comes to storing scrapbook stuff. This one is "Romeo and Cinderella" the vocaloid song themed, also I have fax wax seals holding two of the compartments closed.

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1 h 55


Medium 2022 04 19 231304 b01e2795 21b5 4d36 ba12 a8f4b2610cf6 Medium 2022 04 19 231310 69ac2be2 8ce3 46ca 9a4c 4de11d8d9566


I made another thread book because I realized how handy they are when it comes to storing scrapbook stuff. This one is "Romeo and Cinderella" the vocaloid song themed, also I have fax wax seals holding two of the compartments closed.
