Cut Out + Keep

Origami Soma Cube

A puzzle to ponder over... • Posted by Conn

This is a soma cube! It's basically a puzzle with Tetris-like blocks that eventually forms a 3x3x3 cube when put together correctly. You can also make other different shapes with the blocks, but the cube is the main shape. I made this as a Christmas present for the teacher whom I help (I'm his TA). It took quite a lot of units, but I used sonobe cube units so they were pretty easy to make. I made this during finals week, studying while mindlessly and mechanically folding paper units. xD

You will need

Project Budget


3 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium soma cube  2 Medium soma cube  1 Medium soma cube  3 Medium soma cube  4 Medium soma cube  5 Medium soma cube  6


This is a soma cube! It's basically a puzzle with Tetris-like blocks that eventually forms a 3x3x3 cube when put together correctly. You can also make other different shapes with the blocks, but the cube is the main shape. I made this as a Christmas present for the teacher whom I help (I'm his TA). It took quite a lot of units, but I used sonobe cube units so they were pretty easy to make. I made this during finals week, studying while mindlessly and mechanically folding paper units. xD
