Cut Out + Keep

Origami Poinsenttia Noche Buena Origami

chep and easy way to get some deco • Posted by anemona

I don't know if a can call this ORIGAMI because i used glue... but anyways... Here;s how to get an absolutely easy and cheap Christmas deco... Remember all my tutorials are in SPANISH not hard to follow tough... Any questions let me know. Saludines Anemona

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
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I don't know if a can call this ORIGAMI because i used glue... but anyways... Here;s how to get an absolutely easy and cheap Christmas deco... Remember all my tutorials are in SPANISH not hard to follow tough... Any questions let me know. Saludines Anemona


  1. you are 5 minutes away from getting your christmas deco.