Cut Out + Keep

Origami Lights

Origami cranes on Leds give your room a gental glow • Posted by

I made this assuming you all know how to make a paper crane. if not here are some easy instructions

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Medium img 5664


I made this assuming you all know how to make a paper crane. if not here are some easy instructions


  1. Small img 5648

    start with a 4" square of paper. i am using red for the steps but my final product is white to match my LEDs

  2. Small img 5649

    see!!! white. make the number of cranes and lights on your strand

  3. Small img 5650

    these ate my LEDs there is a battery pack o i can hang hem anywhere i want

  4. Small img 5653

    cut a small hole in this point on your crane. i put the dot on just to show you where

  5. Small img 5655

    just a small hole with your craft knife. >.<

  6. Small img 5656

    it has to be super small. but not to small this is here your light is going to go so you may need to try a few times

  7. Small img 5657


  8. Small img 5658

    it took me a few trys this is what happens when your hole is to small

  9. Small img 5661

    this is all my cranes strung together

  10. Small img 5664


  11. Small img 5662

    this is my whole strand hung up