Origami Flower (Fleur De Pantin)

origami flower

Posted by S S.


Patin is the name of a french city. Following the link you'll find a site where they tell the whole story. -> mais, en Français...
There they also teach to fold an angle of 36° and so on. Here you'll see an easier way to cut a pentagon (or a 5 points star) without having to measure angles.
And the flower... it's a piece of cake


You Will Need (2 things)

  • Scissors
  • square Origami Paper

Steps (16 steps, 25 minutes)

  1. 1

    Fold the paper in two, letting the collored part inside.
    Crease as in the picture.

  2. 2

    Make the other side vertix touch the center of the "X" formed on step "1" and crease

  3. 3

    Fold back on the dotted line, as it is in the picture.

  4. 4

    Fold the lower part, on the dotted line...

  5. 5

    ...side by side with last fold.

  6. 6

    Bend it back and you'll get this

  7. 7

    Now, chose what you want:

  8. 8

    a pentagon...

  9. 9

    ...or a 5 points star.

    Let's go on with the star.

  10. 10

    You'll have to do this 5 times, one for each side. If you're not using a double side paper, you'd better do it on the reverse side.

  11. 11

    Fold following the creases

  12. 12

    again, following the creases

  13. 13

    Holding each petal...

  14. 14

    ...open it like this.

    (it'll appear kind of a "T" into the petal)

  15. 15

    Repeat for each petal, and open down all.

  16. 16

    If you want, make a little cut in the middle (from reverse) and put small slips of paper through it.