Cut Out + Keep

Origami Boxes

show of with these cool boxes • Posted by Elephant Mad

Hi guys soz about the instructions they aren't too good but hey. you can change the measurements so that you have a giant or tiny box. I put glue in the equipment but its not needed if you box stick without it but it is best to do use glue to hold it all together

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 05


Pretty Easy
Medium 1355436477746


Hi guys soz about the instructions they aren't too good but hey. you can change the measurements so that you have a giant or tiny box. I put glue in the equipment but its not needed if you box stick without it but it is best to do use glue to hold it all together


  1. Small 2012 12 14 18.16.06

    Get you card and fold it like this

  2. Small 2012 12 13 22.06.18

    Then cut four lines That go one square down from the corner and the actual cut itself should be 2 squares long (7 cm)

  3. Now fold two corners in like this

  4. Small 2012 12 13 22.06.59

    Now fold the cuts in like that

  5. Small 2012 12 14 18.20.34

    Now fold the extra corners in to hold it together

  6. Do all those step again to create a lid

  7. And there you have it, an origami box