Cut Out + Keep

Origami Bows

Master the art of paper folding! • Posted by thegluegungirl

I found a tutorial for origami bows but it was is Korean. I thought I would a) give it a go and then b) try and explain the steps in English. I'm a complete origami novice and it took me a few tries to get it right so don't give up!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Medium bow


I found a tutorial for origami bows but it was is Korean. I thought I would a) give it a go and then b) try and explain the steps in English. I'm a complete origami novice and it took me a few tries to get it right so don't give up!


  1. Small dsc08430

    Grab some origami paper (You can use any paper as long as it's cut into a square) and some scissors and away we go! Start with your square of paper, fold in half horizontally and vertically, crease well and unfold.

  2. Small dsc08431

    Fold diagonally, crease well and unfold.

  3. Small dsc08433

    Your paper should know look like this with the creases you have made.

  4. Small dsc08434

    Follow the creased lines and fold like this...

  5. Small dsc08435

    It's had to explain but the paper, with the creases will naturally fall into this without much effort.

  6. Small dsc08436

    On the completely closed edge of your square, fold down the corner by 1/2" creasing well.

  7. Small dsc08437

    Unfold your paper and you will see the creases have made a small square in the middle.

  8. Small dsc08438

    This next step I found a bit confusing as there is an order to folding the lines. Once you get that figured out it will become easier.

  9. Small dsc08440

    This is how the fold lines should look in order for it to fold into itself in the next step. You can see that the 4 corners coming off the center square are folded in "mountain folds" which means that they fold upwards like a mountain peak and the sides are folded in a "valley fold" so they crease inwards.

  10. Small dsc08441

    By following the step above, it'll allow you to start folding the paper like so...

  11. Small dsc08442

    Still with me?

  12. Small dsc08443

    Folded like a pro eh! :-/

  13. Small dsc08444

    This is how it will look once it's all folded up.

  14. Small dsc08446

    The next step is to fold the edges off the flat top down like so.

  15. Small dsc08447

    Flip over and do the same on the other side.

  16. Small dsc08448

    Gently open up keeping the folds you've just made in place. I know, I know... but trust me, as you do it, it'll make sense!

  17. Small dsc08449

    Once opened up, it'll look like this!

  18. Small dsc08450 copy

    Turn the paper over and make sure it's placed the same as the photo. (you'll see by the creases) The lines marked in BLACK are where you will make 4 cuts along the crease.

  19. Small dsc08451 copy

    From the side you can see where to make the cut. This is the part I got wrong so many times as it wasn't clear exactly where I should have been cutting! I hope this demonstrates the correct way well enough!

  20. Small dsc08452

    Repeat on all four corners as marked in black in step 18.

  21. Small dsc08455

    Fold down the large top piece.

  22. Small dsc08460

    Fold the left and right side sticking up in half.

  23. Small dsc08461

    Flip the paper over and repeat on the bottom corners.

  24. Small dsc08462

    This is what it will then look like.

  25. Small dsc08463

    Turn your paper over and you'll see you've finally got a bow like shape!

  26. Small dsc08464

    Tuck the pointed ends into the middle of your bow, where the knot would be if it was a ribbon.

  27. Small dsc08468

    Turn the bow back over and fold the left and right edges as shown and then made a cut up the middle.

  28. Small dsc08469

    Fold the sides of middle cuts of the bow over.

  29. Small dsc08470

    Turn back over and there you have your finished bow! You can either leave the bow tail as it is or...

  30. Small dsc08472

    You can cut it to make pointed ends. These get easier the more you make I assure you. They look great used as present bows or use to decorate handmade cards!