Cut Out + Keep

Origami Aster

Origami Aster • Posted by The Dark Vixen

This 8-piece modular origami flower is great to hang on Christmas trees or just around the house. It looks awesome on both sides. Designed by Michael G. LaFosse

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Almost Nothing


0 h 20


Nice & Simple
Medium 2018 03 10 160035 a37d90d3 9e98 49bd 97db f5248c174499 Medium 2018 03 10 160045 ebbe7771 7ade 4a03 ba7f 53fed920ba96 Medium 2018 03 10 160112 image


This 8-piece modular origami flower is great to hang on Christmas trees or just around the house. It looks awesome on both sides. Designed by Michael G. LaFosse


  1. Small 2018 03 10 154743 38a88cfd 3306 44ce 82a4 22d283449fd4

    Take one of your pieces of paper and fold in half diagonal.

  2. Small 2018 03 10 154857 ce126a1a 042e 412e a635 c0ea71970f4f

    Unfold, now you have a crease!

  3. Small 2018 03 10 154911 0f84f8b3 72be 4341 bdc1 5603f33d4473

    Kite Base: Fold the bottom edges to the center crease you made in step 1.

  4. Small 2018 03 10 154918 d69b83de 7678 459c 8ef4 4a5013226af2


  5. Small 2018 03 10 154925 c93abd0f 4f51 449e 9fa2 e90be251d39a

    Fold the corners on the right and left to the creases you just made. Now fold along the crease you made in step 4.

  6. Small 2018 03 10 154935 3490cd99 8fa8 4396 8f56 02198e010fe4

    I should look like this. Turn your piece over.

  7. Small 2018 03 10 154944 cbba99b2 35d8 426f bf79 29bb65ed011f

    Fold the bottom the space between the top corners ( where the blue dot is on the picture)

  8. Small 2018 03 10 155015 4cdff894 1df8 45bf b7e9 18649f6d38a2

    The finished module! Now make 8 of em

  9. Small 2018 03 10 155026 74fb9074 b07e 4c76 b733 f74c0515b9c2

    Hey! Ur in my seat!

  10. Small 2018 03 10 155033 0ed52cf7 3f12 4168 bdad 4ff2e25dfdef

    The completed modules. Now time to assemble the aster.

  11. Small 2018 03 10 155412 d9472da6 79d6 44bd b12a 14b75ad8a3d5

    Take 2 of your modules and place them side by side. Now gently slide the right module into the left modules slot or pocket (the circled area)

  12. Small 2018 03 10 155442 b339077a 3cfc 4f09 8cb2 15f4d9fcea74

    This is what it should look like now. Turn the pieces over.

  13. Small 2018 03 10 155502 692ea1fc 0997 4c90 bcda 27c1f2642dfc

    Now, carefully insert the module now on the rights indicated corner into the left modules slot.

  14. Small 2018 03 10 155518 2149e406 2bbb 40d8 9ec1 82dfc31c9f19

    Step in progress....

  15. Small 2018 03 10 155530 85ef1472 6715 4bae ab15 59e6dbce4a04

    This is now what it should look like.

  16. Small 2018 03 10 155549 05b9880b 9c3f 4cf5 add2 78772f102edb

    Now, fold back along the edge of the right module ( where the black line is) . This will lock the 2 modules together!

  17. Small 2018 03 10 155557 b928b51c 9b7e 487d a256 6f02d7f8d647

    This is the step in progress....

  18. Small 2018 03 10 155635 1609ac10 b23f 4dee a4a6 d0fe8279275f

    It should now look like this!

  19. Small 2018 03 10 155646 f8a01dea 098c 4755 a8da 06913f118efd

    Keep joining more modules too the 2 you just connected.

  20. Small 2018 03 10 155655 305942a7 d789 4af7 8fd1 53cc19c0e12b

    Keep adding and locking in till you only have one module left.

  21. Small 2018 03 10 155702 db403a98 ecc1 417d b5fc c20488a6e859

    Be very careful when connecting this one.

  22. Small 2018 03 10 155719 b68dc9bc c2f5 4727 8e51 7747246c4eff

    Almost there....

  23. Small 2018 03 10 155735 a6ec2d23 44f0 47a8 b22f a34d9d594e4c

    Lock them together.....and....

  24. Small 2018 03 10 155744 d82a38f8 1902 4ca3 a3f8 be9f11bfd9b1

    Done! Both sides are equally cool

  25. Small 2018 03 10 155750 cb92a0d5 faf6 489e 9126 cb60f1b59bb4

    I hope you enjoyed this turtorial! If you need help or if anything is confusing just leave a comment below and I’ll see how I can help you!

  26. Small 2018 03 10 155941 image

    Feel free to hang them too!