Cut Out + Keep

Oreo Peanut Butter

Dessert Mash-Ups • Posted by Ulysses Press

Yield 8 ounces Prep Time 10 minutes Have you ever made your own peanut butter? It’s just so much better than store-bought, and it’s one of the easiest things to make at home. One day, on a whim, I added some Oreos to my peanut butter and, oh my goodness, I couldn’t believe the flavor. Beware: This peanut butter is very addicting. Hide your spoons!

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0 h 10


Nice & Simple
Medium 111155 2f2015 09 21 174622 dessert mash ups oreo peanut butter


Yield 8 ounces Prep Time 10 minutes Have you ever made your own peanut butter? It’s just so much better than store-bought, and it’s one of the easiest things to make at home. One day, on a whim, I added some Oreos to my peanut butter and, oh my goodness, I couldn’t believe the flavor. Beware: This peanut butter is very addicting. Hide your spoons!


  1. Place the peanuts and sandwich cookies in a food processor and run continuously until a butter forms. Time will vary depending on your food processor’s age and speed. Mine takes about 4 minutes to reach a creamy, buttery consistency. If your processor is older, or starts to feel hot during processing, stop the machine and let it rest a few minutes before continuing. The dip will go from crumbly to a ball and then smooth out, then become soft and smooth, like a natural peanut butter. That’s when it’s done.

  2. Serve on toast, as a dip, or with a spoon. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Tip: You’re not limited to Oreos here—try your favorite cookie flavor! If you’re not a peanut person, most other nuts also lend themselves to this method (but you may need to add a tablespoon or so of oil during processing to smooth it out).