Cut Out + Keep

Orange You Glad

Sweet and Sunny • Posted by Melissa Beth

I made this for my sister for Christmas one year. It's funny because we are Floridians. I got it from "The Happy Hooker". This was super easy. Pretty much just single crochet with a little color change. I did a chain embroidery along the orange. The leaves were pretty simple, too.

You will need

Project Budget


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 115363 2f2016 11 07 000011 1910180 22402406080 7757 n


I made this for my sister for Christmas one year. It's funny because we are Floridians. I got it from "The Happy Hooker". This was super easy. Pretty much just single crochet with a little color change. I did a chain embroidery along the orange. The leaves were pretty simple, too.
