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Optimus Prime Hama Bead :D

Optimus Prime Hama Bead! :D • Posted by Rosita

I decided to make a bigger project, a present for a friend. In the picture with my hand you can see just about how big it is. (My hand is a normal/small sized grown up female's hand ;D) Optimus is here somewhere around 22,5 cm * 24 cm. And you can see it in the frame too ;)

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Reasonably Priced


3 h 00


Medium foto 0363 1245958478 Medium foto 0364 1245958507 Medium foto 0398 1246377449


I decided to make a bigger project, a present for a friend. In the picture with my hand you can see just about how big it is. (My hand is a normal/small sized grown up female's hand ;D) Optimus is here somewhere around 22,5 cm * 24 cm. And you can see it in the frame too ;)
