onigiri plushie
thehee here goes my first how to.
im trying hard not to fail this one :P
i woulDD loooooove to see your versions of this
Neko-San K. favorited Onigiri Plushie 31 May 21:06
Chocopanda favorited Onigiri Plushie 05 Nov 04:17
WerewolfCas favorited Onigiri Plushie 28 Aug 10:15
You Will Need
Step 1
hook a square with the white yarn and make it big enough, so that you can fold it in two pieces.
(i will add some pics la8)
then hook the black piece you can see from the picture how big it is and remember the onigiri is just the same look like from behing exept the eyes.
Start sowing it shut by its corner and same time stuffing it.
and then sow the "nori" to its tummy and then the eyes..
Then its done <3

11 projects
isn't any bad word huh!!!

11 projects
hmm:/ hijÅ ni to i~tsu te ii nai

Canada, CA
6 projects
So cute! I can't crochet, but I might try to make one from felt

molly g
2 projects

Limbourg, Walloon Region, BE
21 projects
my first reaction: ooooohhhhh so cute ^^

Cat Morley
London, GB
1432 projects
That is totally adorable, I love onigiri. Now I'm really mad at myself for not being able to crochet yet!