Cut Out + Keep

On The Go Donut!

A yummy treat for people in need of a snack, or who are on the go! Quick and Easy to make • Posted by Kristina Hicks d.

Yummy easy snack at home, or for those who are going somewhere. Great for trips, hikes, and practically anywhere. WARNING: WILL GET MESSY. This is my first project, so I hope you like it!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


5 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 020 1271125237 Medium 028 1271125308


Yummy easy snack at home, or for those who are going somewhere. Great for trips, hikes, and practically anywhere. WARNING: WILL GET MESSY. This is my first project, so I hope you like it!


  1. Small 005 1271125416

    Gather your materials

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    Place the amnt. of cheerios in a plastic bag then add the powdered sugar. Shake the closed bag until all cheerios are coated with the powdered sugar. POWDERED DONUTS!

  3. Small 016 1271126245

    Take the cheerios out and place onto a dish. Stick aside. Take the amnt. of chocolate chips needed and place in to a microwave safe bowl. Add a squirt of milk into the bowl. Then place into the microwave for 30 seconds. After 15 seconds take out, stir, and place back in and keep microwaving.

  4. When done take out of the microwave, and take your handy dandy toothpick and scoop up some chocolate. Then place ontop of cheerios like a real chocolate donut would look like.

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    Then, pour some sprinkles into a dish, and dip the chocolate Cheerios into them. Voila! Chocolate sprinkle powdered donuts. Obviously, this is just my way of doing this I'm sure there are many other ways, if there's an easier way then post in the comments below please! Pictures if you made some!

  6. Small 028 1271126145

    Enjoy your fun easy travel donuts!