• Posted by Ammelanoleuca
I've seen a couple of these I thought I'll make my own
I've seen a couple of these I thought I'll make my own
Mix colors into even balls of clay, graduating from light to dark Here I mixed white, orange, and yellow
They should look a bit like this, in the colors you want
Flatten the balls into even disks. Stack them to make sure they're even (or use a cookie cutter)
Roll out white clay for the filling, and place a disk on the rolled out clay. Cut around the disk (or use a cookie cutter). Repeat until you have enough for in between each layer, and one for the top and bottom
Roll out another strip of white clay, and wrap around the cake. Smooth out the sides. Be careful not to distort the bottom and top layers.
Trace out where you will cut (so you can smooth it out if you make a mistake)
Cut your slices
Insert a pin to make it into a charm. Texture the cake portions with a needle. You can bake now, so you don't risk ruining the texture, OR go on to the next step
Bake according to packaging instructions on the clay