Cut Out + Keep

Ombre Plaited Bracelet

Give the simple plaited bracelet a new look with this chain design. • Posted by Fall For DIY

The hardest part of this tutorial is getting to grips with plaiting into chain. The trick is to leave the tension pretty loose and get into a rhythm. We also have links to a video tutorial on the blog if your getting really confused!

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 00


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The hardest part of this tutorial is getting to grips with plaiting into chain. The trick is to leave the tension pretty loose and get into a rhythm. We also have links to a video tutorial on the blog if your getting really confused!


  1. Small photo 1

    Cut each metre of cord into 3 section (giving you 9 pieces in each colour) / Put them all together and glue into the bell closer / Section off one colour and begin to plait into two of the chain pieces.

  2. Small capture

    Make sure you keep to the same pattern. I have chosen to go from one side (right or left) under the middle cords, over the other side and into the chain from underneath.

  3. Small photo 3

    Continue until the end of the chain, then do the same with the second colour of cord, plaiting into the second and third chains.

  4. Small photo 4

    Once at the end of the chain, take the third colour cord and plait that into only the third chain. trim the cords and glue into the other bell closer.

  5. Small hannah  boy and shit 005

    Avoiding the urge to wear, leave the glue to dry ( half an hour max) and your done!