Cut Out + Keep

Old Sweater New Look

This is a great technique to increase the size of an old or new sweater. • Posted by cats-rockin-crochet

You will need

Project Budget


2 h 00


Medium use scraps 2 Medium end 2 Medium end 3



  1. Small begin shirt n sweater

    Shirt and Sweater

  2. Small cut centre shirt 1

    Cut the button up panel from the shirt, leaving an over lap on each side for sewing

  3. Small cut centre sweater 1

    Cut the sweater down the centre

  4. Small sew shirt buttons closed

    Sew up the button edge so it does not flare open, leave a small bit un sewed at the bottom for some flare

  5. Small attach to one side 1

    Attach the button flap from the bottom of the sweater and up wards with some pins, then sew into place.

  6. Small attach to other side 1

    Pin the other side into place from the bottom to the top of the sweater, have a check to see if it is even with the other side, then sew into place

  7. Small sew other side 2 together

    The striped pattern makes gives you a nice straight line to sew on

  8. Small fix up collar

    Fix up the collar how you would like it to sit, finished :)

  9. Small use scraps

    Want to add more of the shirt to your sweater?

  10. Small use scraps 2

    Use the pockets or cuffs for a more dramatic look.