Cut Out + Keep

Old Gold Lace Necklace

A necklace made out of an old doily, vintage button and gold chain. • Posted by lululilacdoll

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium p1010382 1294590468 Medium p1010381 1294590567



  1. Small p1010368 1294592944

    Lay down your newspaper on a table outside (if it's a nice day) and bring out all of your supplies. Mix equal parts glue and water in your container - enough to cover your lace shape.

  2. Small p1010369 1294592946

    Cut out the shape you want from your lace.

  3. Small p1010370 1294590882

    Using the popsicle stick completely submerge your lace shape in the glue and water solution and let sit for half a minute.

  4. Small p1010371 1294592919

    While the lace shape is in the glue and water solution, make sure your jump ring is ready.

  5. Small p1010373 1294590901

    Take your lace shape out of the solution and attach the jump ring. Get ready to get glue on your hands!

  6. Small p1010374 1294592891

    Lay the lace shape on the newspaper LIGHTLY to dry. Check that it isn't stuck to the paper every now and then. Mine dried in ~10 mins because it was a hot day, and was still flexible. If you want yours to be hard you may have to put it in the solution a few more times.

  7. Small p1010375 1294591755

    When dry, attach lace pendant to necklace.

  8. Small p1010381 1294591868

    If you think it looks a little plain, add some buttons, bows or anything else you have laying around to pretty it up! I sewed an old button to the middle of mine.

  9. Small p1010382 1294591816

    Step back and admire your work. You're now finished, yay!