Old Gold Lace Necklace

A necklace made out of an old doily, vintage button and gold chain.

Posted by lululilacdoll



You Will Need (10 things)

  • Old necklace or Chain - as much as you want
  • 1 Jump Ring(s)
  • Lace - needs to have a shape you can cut out
  • Jewellery Pliers
  • Newspaper
  • PVA Glue
  • Water
  • 1 Popsicle Sticks (or similar) for mixing
  • 1 Disposable Container(s) - big enough to fit your lace shape
  • Decorations

Steps (9 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    Lay down your newspaper on a table outside (if it's a nice day) and bring out all of your supplies.

    Mix equal parts glue and water in your container - enough to cover your lace shape.

  2. 2

    Cut out the shape you want from your lace.

  3. 3

    Using the popsicle stick completely submerge your lace shape in the glue and water solution and let sit for half a minute.

  4. 4

    While the lace shape is in the glue and water solution, make sure your jump ring is ready.

  5. 5

    Take your lace shape out of the solution and attach the jump ring. Get ready to get glue on your hands!

  6. 6

    Lay the lace shape on the newspaper LIGHTLY to dry. Check that it isn't stuck to the paper every now and then.

    Mine dried in ~10 mins because it was a hot day, and was still flexible. If you want yours to be hard you may have to put it in the solution a few more times.

  7. 7

    When dry, attach lace pendant to necklace.

  8. 8

    If you think it looks a little plain, add some buttons, bows or anything else you have laying around to pretty it up!
    I sewed an old button to the middle of mine.

  9. 9

    Step back and admire your work.
    You're now finished, yay!