Old Cerenit Man

Old cerenit man made out of cerenit, wire, batting and old fabric.

Posted by Winnie Hedegaard Kristensen


My first doll made out of cerenit. First you make the head, hands and feets out of cerenit. It takes a little time to get the right expression :) Bake the cerenit for 35 min 160 degrees and let it cool. Paint the eyes and make them shine with a little bit of transparent nail pollish. Glue on the hair. I used fur from an old jacket.
Then it´s time for the body. Built it out of wire and cover the skelet with batting. Make the clothes out of old fabric and sew it on the body. In the end you glue on the head, the hands and the feets. ENJOY


You Will Need (1 thing)

  • Cerenit, Wire, Batting And Old Fabric