Old Books New Light Switches

recycle old books or magazines to make a new light switch

Posted by ay*lee*sha



You Will Need (6 things)

  • Glue
  • Picture (s)
  • Pages From A Book, Newspaper Or Magazine(s)
  • Scissors
  • Normal Sized Paint Brush
  • Cup(s) / Something To Put Glue In

Steps (8 steps, 6 minutes)

  1. 1

    Get all the things you need and place them infront of you on a clean surface.

  2. 2

    Once you've found the picture you want, cut it out and place it to the side.

  3. 3

    If you're using an old book you can use the pages, if you are using a magazine then rip out some articles but just the words, you don't really want pictes on these because it will take away from you main picture. Rip the paper into randome small sized peices.

  4. 4

    Poor glue into container, just eyeball the amount you will need, there isn't really an exact measurement.

  5. 5

    Now you should be ready to begin. Throw away the excess paper clippings.

  6. 6

    Place some glue on a small area where you are going to place the paper.

  7. 7

    Start to place the papers over the glue, brush glue over the papers you've placed down, until the entire thing is covered.

  8. 8

    Do the same thing you did with the papers with your picture. Then cut any excess peices around, cut holes for the switches and screws. Let dry, then put on your wall.